About Us

Alliance Manufacturing Group (AMG) is a supply chain manager focused primarily on metalworking services. Principles of the organization are based on a concept designed by Doug Geuder. The Alliance organization began with Doug purchasing a machine shop in 2002 and renaming it Alliance Tool & Machine. Thus began the Alliance concept of working together for the common good. Today Alliance Tool is just one of many suppliers in the Alliance group. AMG represents some of the finest metalworking capabilities available. Do not be confused however – AMG is not a manufacturer’s representative. AMG is unprecedented in its approach to supply chain management having reciprocal relationships with customers and suppliers alike.

AMG provides you options making available multiple suppliers for every facet of manufacturing we are involved with. With AMG you are not placing all your eggs in one basket; you are hiring AMG to manage the basket.

If your needs involve a single part AMG will identify several of our qualified suppliers all of whom will be capable of manufacturing your part. Having more than one capable supplier means AMG will be able to consistently provide your part regardless of possible changes in your needs or a supplier’s ability.

If your needs involve numerous components and various metalworking processes AMG will manage your entire project. You increase efficiency and decrease cost by contacting one source for your entire project – one purchase order, one supplier, one invoice.

AMG aligns itself only with highly qualified manufacturing suppliers. These suppliers may be current members of our alliance, or suppliers imported from your supply chain for the mutual benefit of you, the supplier and AMG. We utilize metrics to monitor our supply chain to ensure it is efficient, innovative and delivers high quality and value to our customers. AMG’s supply chain offers services categorized by, but are not exclusive to:

  • Machining

  • Fabrication

  • Assembly

  • Tooling

  • Stamping

AMG develops enough suppliers to provide you options, but not too many suppliers that we lose our value to the supplier.

On one hand the relationship between AMG and our customer benefits our suppliers. On the other hand the relationship between AMG and our suppliers benefits our customers. This is the concept that solidifies the alliance of Alliance Manufacturing Group.

Alliance Manufacturing Group, LLC.
116 Edgar Ave
South Milwauke, WI 53172
Phone: 262-735-0101
Fax: 888-822-8960
Email: doug@alliancemfggroup.com